Luipex is a Portuguese Company based in Guimarães since 1994. In these 25 years of existence, Luipex has had its essence in the production of women’s, men's and children's beachwear, becoming one of the most specialized companies in the sector in Portugal. Seeking to anticipate market needs, Luipex demonstrates versatility and flexibility in production with a strong focus on its suppliers and quality raw material, this ensuring part design and durability while ensuring fast and quality response throughout.
The quality and diversity of our products is a constant concern. That is why we make careful analysis in the various stages of product creation: selection of suppliers, choice of raw materials, reception and shipment of goods. We have a product development team that works every day with the most care and this always present the best solutions to our customers.
Luipex it’s an Excellence Company due to its employers. The whole team is focused on business success and motivated to do their best in everything they do.

Luipex was founded in Guimarães. It started as a family business. The initial project was based on a small swimwear company with only ten employees and a registered capital of € 50,000.00.

The Company's main strategy is internationalization and solidification in the National Market.

Equipped with the latest quality control technology, it aims at more thorough and careful monitoring of our products before customer uptake.
The raw materials we use are subject to weighted selection. There was a strong commitment to search for the most innovative, least harmful and most comfortable materials, always enhancing suppliers that comply with good sustainability practices, both at source and in the exploration process.
In order to meet these rigorous criteria, Luipex has always sought its partners to guarantee the highest quality products on the market.

Implementation of photovoltaic panels. Photovoltaic technology is seen as an ideal path for power generation through an inexhaustible and mostly non-polluting source.

Acquisition of a new warehousing to increase industrial facilities and provide more working conditions for the entire team.
Increased awareness of environmental preservation and sustainability has led Luipex to adopt new practices, both internally and externally.

Luipex holds SME Status since 2013. This year forecasts a 20% growth, compared to 2018.
It has 57 Excellence Employees and an Industrial Facility with more than 1000 m2, perpetuating its position in the market and leaving its legacy for future generations.